Monday, 11 September 2017

Exclusive Interview: I Have Made Beyond What Most of My Mates Are Yet To Expect In Life On Blogging - Mathias Amodu

Mathias Amodu founder of and other blogs here in Nigeria and also a student at Kogi state university faculty of Agriculture was with the Founder of on an interview which he talked about his blogging Life.

How Long have you been Blogging?
Started blogging November 2015 Till Date

How do you combine your academics and Blogging?
It has not been that easy but most times I do all my Blogging activities at 12 mid night and make sure it doesn't distract me.

What are the challenges you have faced in Blogging as a student?
Time, distraction, power supply and team work.

Distraction in what aspect and What do you mean by Team work?
School activities and friends around distract me from my online commitment... Also at school no one beside have good knowledge about blogging so I find it difficult to have a team.

How much do you earn Yearly from Blogging?
I don't tell people how much I earn yearly but I have made beyond what most of my mates are yet to expect in life.

What is your advice to the teaming Nigerians going into blogging?
Yes my advice for my Nigerian bloggers and even the upcoming bloggers is to stay focus and be contented with what you have.Money should not be your major reasons why you should be a blogger but adding value to people's life and also try Work day and night and the sky will be your starting point.

Social media isn't necessarily easy. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and are willing to work hard, test and experiment, your chances at success will be far greater than the chances of those who just want to "give it a try" to see what happens.

My Name is Benson Chidi Ben, I am a self made blogger, i learn blogging my own self, i love to learn more and share some best tips on my blog. I hope you may like my articles. You can check moest of my projects at Holylife.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice one Mathias Amodu, i think the upcoming bloggers should learn from this.

  3. Good one indeed...keep it up brotherly Mathias Amodu.

  4. Well done bro, you are a big inspiration. I'm glad that you are my own brother from Kogi state. More inspiration from above fall upon you.

    1. Thanks Angela for coming by. God bless you.

  5. Well done bro, you are a big inspiration. I'm glad that you are my own brother from Kogi state. More inspiration from above fall upon you.

  6. Thanks for revealing this info with us
