Sunday, 10 September 2017

“Phyno Needs to Whiten His Teeth”, goan tell him…..”

Nigerian rapper Phyno has been hit with shade by a dentist who said the celebrity was in dire need of teeth whitening.

Phyno Needs to Whiten His Teeth
The dentist, Nebeokike Sunday, took to Facebook to make this claim. In his post, he placed two photos of the Rapper smiling with one of the photos being a close up of his teeth.
In his post he said; “Ok, and I have to say this.
“This guy needs S&P and probably go for whitening with sodium perborate. Yes everyone mustn’t have white teeth, but as a celebrity, he needs one!

“No insult is meant here. just an observation. And its my profession. Bloggers, goan tell him…..”
Sunda was of course dragged in the comments for his statement with someone accusing him of looking for cheap fame.
“Looking for cheap fame…who White teeth help epp
you for show us your own” commented one user.

Another commenter said that the colour of teeth doesn’t matter to girls but rather how much a person has; “Not funny we all can’t have white teeth and beside no girl cares…… Money speak louder than white teeth”
And yet another warned him that commenters were coming for him now that he has made Instablog 9ja; “Onku u have reach instablog…wait children of anger are coming for u ”
At the moment there has been no response from Phyno on the matter.

My Name is Benson Chidi Ben, I am a self made blogger, i learn blogging my own self, i love to learn more and share some best tips on my blog. I hope you may like my articles. You can check moest of my projects at Holylife.

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