Monday, 18 December 2017

“I have a Benz, a Lexus, built my mom a house, building a school, my life is a dream come true!” – Reekado Banks

Mavin act Reekado Banks has counted his blessings and named them one by one as the year 2017 gradually fades away.
The singer took to Twitter to highlight and point out all the huge things he’s been able to achieve in just 24 years of his life.

Reekado who has never hidden the fact that he is building a school reminded his fans that at 24, he drives a Benz, a Lexus and has been able to build a house for his mother too.
Reekado Banks posing with his Lexus and Mercedes Benz C300
In the tweet, Reekado meticulously arranged his achievements and confirmed that at 24, his life is a dream come true.
“Benz boy, Lexus boy, built his mama a house boy, many hits to his credit boy, building a school boy… At 24, my life is a dream come true” he tweeted.

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