Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Powerful Prayer Points For 2018

The Mountain of Escape: When God brought judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot was exempted, by the Lord, through the intercession of Abraham. The angels that went into Sodom and Gomorrah for the execution of God’s judgment helped Lot and instructed him, “to escape to the mountain, lest he be consumed”. This mountain was reserved, as a place of escape from destruction, for Lot and his family, although Lot rejected this mountain and chose for himself another city (Genesis 19:1-23). 

There is a mountain of escape, for every child of God. There is a mountain of escape for us provided by the Lord.  Our families must not suffer with the world. In 2018, by prayer and intercession, we are securing the mountain of divine exemption, for members of our household, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points:

1. Let us appreciate the Lord for January 2018, for His faithfulness and goodness, towards us and members of our family. (Psalms 107:21)

2. Let us begin to commit January 2018, into the hands of the Lord, that from the beginning to the end, the Lord shall be the Lord and God, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Psalms 18:2)

3. Let us declare and prophesy, that in Him we shall live, move and have our being, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 17:28)

4. Let us declare and prophesy that, we and our household shall be established, on the top of the mountain of escape and divine exemption, in the name of Jesus Christ, (Genesis 19:17, Isaiah 2:1-2)

5. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, we shall not sing, with the world the song of sorrow, but, within our household, there be shall continuous songs of lifting and thanksgiving, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Job 22:29)

6. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, violence shall not be heard in our compound, neither wasting nor destruction in our borders, our wall shall be called salvation, and our gate praise, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 60:18)

7. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, we shall abide continually upon the mountain of escape and divine exemption, and we shall be far from oppression, and from terror, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 54:14)

8. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, we shall not be tempted beyond God’s grace upon our lives, and the way of escape shall remain open for us continually, in the midst of temptation, in name of Jesus, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

9. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, we shall enjoy supernatural Passover, in the midst of destruction, disaster or death, in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 12:13).

10. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, our household shall escape darkness, and enjoy constant supply of light, after the order of Goshen, no matter the intensity of darkness in the world, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Exodus 10:23)

11. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, darkness may cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but we shall be exempted; for our light shall shine, and the glory of the Lord shall stand evidently upon us, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 60:1-2)

12. Let us declare and prophesy, that in 2018, a thousand may fall by our side, and ten thousand on our right hand, but we shall be exempted, from all forms of evil and wickedness, in the name of Jesus Christ, (Psalms 91:7-8)

May God Answer All Our Prayers In Jesus Name, Amen!!!

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